Debt management plan involves you depositing money with an organization, which pays off your unsecured debt such as credit cards. Debt management plan, at best, manages your existing debt, but usually at the cost of ruining your credit history. Foremost, I don't like debt management plans because I don't want to pay for anything that I can get for free.
Many me(s) with debt go to a debt management plan, primarily due to lack of payment
discipline. If you decide to do so, please check beforehand
Federal Trade Commission's information on debt management plan.
Here is alternate free debt management plan in 7 steps.
1. Call and ask your bank(s) to lower the interest rate(s). If a customer service agent is not helpful, call again couple of times. Trust me, quite a few bank will at least knock of few percentages.
2. Open a separate bank account in a different bank.
3. Choose credit cards (or other debt) you want to pay with this system.
4. Direct deposit a portion of your income enough for a minimum payment+$x for each debt.
(Amount of $x depends on how fast you want to get out of debt. High interest and/or low balance debt should have higher $x. My suggestion is make $x maximum and readjust $x once you pay off one account completely.)
5. Automatically set monthly payments.
6. Destroy the ATM card, credit card, check or any other method that will allow easy access to the money in new bank account and old credit card accounts.
7. Adjust and check your new debt management plan every first sunday.
PS. If you still want to pay someone, I accept paypal.